Originally Posted by fishmaster
What is everyones major objection to the whats new button?
Brings up old data?
For me, it was wasted clicks and inconsistent design.
IMO, the navbar tabs show you what section you are in. If you are on the home tab it should be home pages...if you are on forum pages you should be on the forum tab. It is inconsistent to have 2 tabs for the forums. Also, there are different options available under whats new and forum so you have to click back and forth to get to the option you want.
For example if you click "new posts" it automatically takes you to the "what's new" tab but if you wanted to see who is online next you would have to click back to forum tab then who is online.
If you do the quick edit I posted above in combination with this authors mod then every page of the forum you will always be on the forum tab and always have the same navigation options.
It makes way more since, is more consistent and saves users clicks and frustration