Originally Posted by kall
I think the complaint is that your entire business model and skin creation strategy is based on stealing other people's hard work, then profiting from it.
Did you put credit/linkback to vbseo.com in the 'SEO green' skin? Is there a linkback to digitalblashphemy.com in this one? No, but I bet there's a link or 2 back to your sites.
I do have beef with this theme also, the image included from DB isn't free. (except for the small mobile versions)
Why do you daveaite, simply steal other peoples work and post it as your own, or reuse it without permission?
I've sent this link to the owner of DB (where I've been a member for about 4 years now) so I'm sure he'll be in contact with you and this site very soon for allowing you to continue distributing his work.
You are not only putting your site at risk, but also
everyone who downloads and uses this theme has now also committed theft and copyright violations.