Originally Posted by Ark del KAOS
Bird, I don't know enough English to be able to say how much I love U...
....shit, I was trying to make this around 4 months, and only got errors.
Seriously, with only this I'm going to make you a shrine with candles and all....
BUT...if you can help me with an improvement...pff, I'm going to make the fuk'n shrine in the feedback forum of my community XD
I have one forum who contain the "multiforum" threads.
From this forum I want to load some threads in some other forums.
It's like a "official threads forum" about games, but then I want to show a game for the 360 and the PS3 into de x30 forum and the PS3 one.
How do I select this? With a prefix.
Can I filter the threads depending of the thread prefix it have?
Like (select all the threads from forumid 1 or (forum2 with prefix3))
LOL you're very welcome... I had been looking for this for years myself and am surprised no one figured it out sooner despite multiple requests from me and others...
As for your thread prefix situation I don't know the answer off hand... let me play with some things and see what I can come up with.