Originally Posted by AURFSCAN
DAMINK make sure the link in between the tags are quoted
for bbcode
Yep checked that and that was fine.
I got it working. Actually more accurately it may have been working all along

The file size i was using may have been too big. I tried a smaller mp3 and it was fine.
So now i am left wondering where to change the settings to allow for bigger files to play?
I have increased the upload size in attachments. It seems to attach fine just not play fine.
But essentially it is working and for that i cant thank you enough AURFSCAN.
You have been patient with me mate. Cheers. :up:
Using this same theory i was able to get video to play on my forum now also

One happy chappy here. Thanks again all.
And the size limit seems to be attachment related which dont bother me as i have a upload script i made a long time ago for members and they use that.
Now everything is perfect. (Cant wipe the smile off my face guys and gals)