Not sure if this is a Facebook thing or VB..
A few weeks ago we upgraded our forum to VB 4.04 from 3.5. I was pretty happy to see the new options of integrating with FB, and the like button etc.
But I'm noticing that when you press the like button, it posts to the wall and all of that works. The button will change to saying 'you liked this', but as soon as you close you're browser. Then reopen it, the like button goes back to saying 'be the first to like this'
It's like it's not recording the hits? I go into the developers area in FB, and look at my app and it shows nothing?
Is this a problem with FB, or VB? Does anyone else have this problem, I would really like that to work but not sure what's going on. Since everything throughout the process seems to work. It just doesn't seem to be storing who likes the threads.