Originally Posted by Centrix
I dont quite understand it.
Do we need to buy the pro version to get the red-colored features or not? It's kinda confusing
Yes, the handful of stuff marked in red is for the pro (paid) version only. If you are interested please PM me.
Originally Posted by MaxInfinity
great mod as always.One thing I would like to see is the ability to use any field as the pay check amount I.E. It could be from any field but for example vb experience, where I could list the experience points as the paycheck amount similar to the joint fields you already have but able to use a formula aswell like field experience / 10 for 10% of total experience points etc. or field experience points + field reputation. hope I made that clear what I was trying to get across.
Thanx again for your hard work.
I think I know what you mean, i will pass it along as a suggestion thanks!