To the original poster...
I do try and search before posting but there are limits to the search that make it unpractical to use at times- such as searching for a common term that is used all over, or searching for a 2 letter word or phrase which isn't allowed... need help on an "if' statement? Can't search for it...
As to the threads here that go unanswered, you know it does bother me and I don't know why it should but it does... when I do search for something I inevitably find many threads where the question (or some other question) was asked and no one ever replied... and I'm sure someone knew the answer, hell half the time I know the answer but the thread is a year old... anyway this happens all the time. A question is posted, I know for sure someone here would know the answer to but for whatever reason it never get answered... reading the BTT's brings a tear to my eye- a question lost to the ether... what did these people do to deserve to be ignored? I guess I'll never know... but I do know even if someone doesn't know the answer it's better to reply and say that then nothing at all... even if all you say is "I read your question but really can't help you" is better than nothing and really anyone halfway knowledgeable in vB can probably at least point someone in the right direction.
And of course complaining that people BTT against the rules is ridiculous because people can't BTT because of the merge post mod.