Originally Posted by Sixes
Silly question, but in the garage_directory.php file, you have to edit where the forum is.
If the forum is located at for instance forum.com/forum
What is the full path I have to use?
This is only needed if you are going to run the garage outside of the forum directory.
So if you have
http://www.mysite.com/forum and you want to run it at
http://garage.mysite.com or
http://www.mysite.com/garage then you need to fill that out.
If you do want to run it like that, you need the absolute path to the forum. You can get it by logging into
ACP->Maintenance->View PHP Info
Find the variable:
The value will be something like
if you are on a linux system.
The value you need to put in the $forum_directory variable would be
Hope that answers it for you