Originally Posted by fxwoody
I had the same problem and made a new CSS class only for the input box and text area.
Simply add the new CSS in the vBulletin.CSS at the end with your background spec and replace it in the "vsa_chatbox_input" template in this code where you see my " BCKCHAT":
PHP Code:
<td class="blocksubhead" style="margin:0px;">
<input type="text" class="bckchat" name="vsacb_entermessage" id="vsacb_entermessage" style="width:100%;font-size:{vb:raw vsacb_textsize};color:{vb:raw vsacb_colorfirst}" onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13) {return VSacb_postMessage(vsacb_post_form);}" onkeyup="VSacb_LimitChars('vsacb_entermessage', 'vsacb_counter','{vb:raw vboptions.vsachatbox_charlimit}');" onfocus="if(!this._haschanged){this.value=''};this._haschanged=true;vsacb_submitbutton.disabled=false;" <vb:if condition="$vsacb_cantpost">disabled="disabled"</vb:if> value="{vb:rawphrase message}..." />
this works fine, but I can't find the code for the text area (the output area)