Originally Posted by Trek
I'm pretty sure the problem is, once you import the moods, then you have to set which moods actually appear in the list (this is different from previous versions).
From your AdminCP: DBTech: Facebook Status Mod -> Manage Criteria
Click the first mood at the top. Hold shift, click the last mood. All moods should be selected then, click Save.
Thanks, this (almost) worked. I was able to multi-select and save the moods, and now when I click the dropdown, the moods appear; however, when i click one, i get the same "Not Found" pop up that I get when I try to add a status.
Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
You need to add moods to a criteria. In the AdminCP, go to manage criteria and create a new one. Give it a name and add some moods to it.
Thanks, after doing the above and it not working and after seeing this, I went in and renamed the mood list from Default Criteria to Mood list, but again I get the same "Not Found" pop up that I get when I try to add a status.