We may be able to assist by looking at what mods you have installed and what hooks they are using. One possibility I suppose is that there is a hook being used when saving usergroups that could be causing the problem.
If you really want to find the culprit, you'd need to uninstall all of your mods (or preferably, setup a separate installation for testing only) then install the mods one at a time, starting with AddonChat. The only reason I suggest starting with AddonChat is that the code has been in use for a long time and it is not an alpha release mod. Make sure the usergroup editing works properly (if it doesn't, then there is definitely something else wrong) then add your mods one by one, starting with mods that modify the usergroup privileges as one of these is the one most likely causing the problem.
Edit: If you'd like us to take a look, please e-mail support@addonchat.com with the necessary login details attn: Chris