Thanks for getting back to me.
But I if I disable all the other mods and just have the chat room enabled and make a change to a usergroup. Then the usergroup changes that I made are not saved to the original usergroup. But instead are saved and added to the Custom Usergroups and another ID number is used as shown in the image above.
Where as if I disable the chat room and enable all the other mods including V3Arcade and make changes to my usergroup(s) I do not have this issue and the changes that I made are saved to the original usergroup(s). As per how they are meant to be.
This is how I came to the conclusion that the chat room mod is the thing that is causing this issue.
That usergroup setting you are refering to in the thread over at v3arcade is only related to being able to view and play disabled games and has nothing to do with changes being made to the default usergroups. As I have looked into this already.
So any other suggestions you may have will be greatly appreciated.