iTrader 2.7.5 released
I am very proud to announce that iTrader 2.7.5 was released. At first I only wanted to make a bugfix release, but you had that good feature ideas, which I wanted to implement, too.
However, I have been very busy for the last weeks and this is why development took more time than expected.
What's new?
- Speed optimizations by index changes
The users here suggested it - and here it is.
- Select stats displayed on the main page
Oh, I love this one.
Attachment 119036
- Setting to display rate trade button in all posts
Also requested by some users.
Attachment 119037
- "Nothing to display" message on itrader user page
- Own iTrader vBulletin Tab
Why didn't i integrate this before??
Attachment 119038
Attachment 119039
- Moderator/Admin Rating Change Error
- User Avatar Bugs (Search)
- "Your iTrader Profile" phrase hardcoded
Due to your kind donations I was/am able to support and enhance this product.
I hope you are continuing supporting my work. Please don't be shy to contact me to get my paypal address.