I understand it that vbexperience for vb4 has discontinued its plans for its own shop and they are gonna use this mod as its replacement. While Phalynx was working on his shop, i asked if there him if he could implement a small idea for me into the shop and he indicated that it would be in there when it was done. Now that the shop for his mod is not going to happen, i am asking you if maybe you could possibly implement my idea if possible?
All it is, is I'm looking for a 'Mystery Item' for my members to buy. Basically, when a person buys this, the mod would choose from all your items and randomly select one to give to that person. That would be fine like it is, but if its not much more of a problem, what about adding a percentage of the chance for each item to be randomly picked.
I'm needing this because i would like for the shop to be sort of a game with my members. Basically, each item i'm gonna make will be like a baseball card. When you buy a pack of cards, you dont know what you are getting. There are harder and easier to find cards to be found, and you want to find all of them to have a complete set. So see, i'm wanting my members to be active to earn their points so they can buy a mystery item and try to collect all of the items/cards.
I'd really appreciate it you might be able to add this at some point. Thank you!