Hey guys, I got a random error about a week back after upgrading to 4.0.4.
So i fiddled around a little in the Member.php Found out it was
Fatal error: Class 'vBCms_Route_List' not found in /var/www/vhosts/lastchaosfm.com/httpdocs/admins/member.php on line 567
So i scrolled down to 567 and took a little look, I looked 20 rows up and 20 rows down to figure out what was going on. I found out and changed it. So if you are having problems with a blank profile page. Here is the fix!
On 567 replace this Code:
PHP Code:
// $author_list_url = vBCms_Route_List::getURL($segments);
and on 582 make room for this code :
PHP Code:
// $page_templater->register('author_list_url', $author_list_url);
Hope this helps.