Originally Posted by Budget101
That's a Pretty HUGE feature to drop- that's 1/2 the Mod !!! There are tons of "points" mods- the integrated shop MADE the mod, imho.
You are overrating the shop - or underrating the other things. It was around 15% of the modification. Maybe it was an important part for you, but not for all people.
The Shop was a time eater. It's not only converting. This is a question of support and of further development. Currently I cannot handle support and requests for the shop in my free time. Maybe this will change, but currently you will have to use the other shop - where you have also more possibilities.
Originally Posted by Budget101
Achievements- was already available: 3.8.5 Beta 1, 28th August 2009
Promotions- was already available in older versions 3.8.5 Beta 1, 28th August 2009
Notifications- was already available in older versions 3.8.5 Beta 3, 18th September 2009
would gladly have switched the 2 *new* features below for the original features that were omitted from the converted version.
Yes, as I also noted that this counted for an unstable release - you noticed the appended "Beta"?. Please don't pick up only quotes that fits to your arguments.
I also stated that you can use the Point Market System, but you are completly ignoring that fact. Instead, you are asking vBActivity for an ETA for a just announced 3rd Party Shop Addon. No further comment needed.
This modification is FREE. There is no crippled lite or a commercial full version. If you like it, download and install it. If not, feel free to choose another modification.
Originally Posted by Budget101
I understand it takes time to convert, but in 1 post you say it's "coming" you're "working on it" then weeks later, you dump it altogether and expect no one to notice or say anything.
I never made the decision hidden. It was announced here in the thread, it is written in the readme and the changelog. Life changes, features also. The Shop was never part of v4.
You are alarming here like you were a customer who ordered something, payed it and never got the product. Please cool down.