Originally Posted by Budget101
That's a Pretty HUGE feature to drop- that's 1/2 the Mod !!! There are tons of "points" mods- the integrated shop MADE the mod, imho.
Achievements- was already available: 3.8.5 Beta 1, 28th August 2009
Promotions- was already available in older versions 3.8.5 Beta 1, 28th August 2009
Notifications- was already available in older versions 3.8.5 Beta 3, 18th September 2009
would gladly have switched the 2 *new* features below for the original features that were omitted from the converted version. - Insight-
- Extended Activity-
You yourself said that the Shop was a HUGE part of vbExperience:
I understand it takes time to convert, but in 1 post you say it's "coming" you're "working on it" then weeks later, you dump it altogether and expect no one to notice or say anything.
This 4.x mod is "nice" but is terribly Lacking from your previous versions.
I would hardly say its "terribly lacking" soon it will work in conjunction with the Point Market which has some amazing features that weren't in the old exp shop.
Combine that with the ultimate experience points system which allows Awards, Promotions, Achievements an Insight System and has many rankings for users and groups not to mention the third party addons supported by it and you have in my opinion the best free addon available for vb4.
You can search all you want but right now you won't find anything comparable to this,at least not with such good developer support and 3rd party support,believe me I've looked high and low.
PS. the first things my members asked about when we moved to vb4 without vbexperience was what happened to achievements and awards and why we went back to a post only based promotion sytem,forums are about activity and features like achievements are what keeps users actively posting,yeh a shop is great to spend points on but to me that's not what VBex is all about - just my 2 cents,sorry for being a buttinski
Uninstalled the old version,thx phalynx for the proper instructions
Installed beta 3 this morning,so far so good, now to spend a few days making hundreds of achievements and setting up promotions.
I guess sleep can wait