Originally Posted by jakobility
I just want to show the users, who got the most points in e.g. 1 month
Is that possible with achievements?? 
No, sorry.
Originally Posted by savingsangel
Try as I might, I cannot get the achievements (thanks) to display correctly. One year will always display for me on a member with 3,509 points (Days since registering: 3,509) - no matter how many years beyond one year that I've been a member.
I've set days to 3 points each.
Conditions for the 1-year achievement:
> 1095 points
< 2190 points
2 and 3 year appear the same way. 4 year (My admin account I check) does not appear - this is correct.
Will have to test this for my own, I will contact you after then. But it should work.
Originally Posted by savingsangel
Question #2:
Sorting does not appear to work for me with achievements when displaying on the user's postbit. I can't figure out what the logic is for what order achievements get written into the user's xperience_achievements field. I just have similar awards (arranged into categories) I would like to group together.
The function "WriteAchievementItems" writes them ordered by issued dateline.
Originally Posted by savingsangel
Question #3:
What happens if a user no longer qualifies for an achievement? Will it drop off their recent achievement list? I noticed simply doing a recount does not make the update. In fact, the only way I can successfully clear an achievement is directly in the database through phpMyAdmin.
Currently achieved achievements are not taken away if the user does not meet the conditions any more.