Originally Posted by nitra1000
Many thanks for the update, Do you know where you got with the above or a ETA on it? (I know it's not a priority) as it would 'inspire' me to donate a little something 
Originally Posted by krutten
Another promotion question... I have users that I have promoted to a usergroup based on experience points. I want it to be a condition that they maintain a certain activity level in order to remain there (ie. have at least visited the site, made a post, whatever, within the past month). Is there a way to use the promotion system to automatically demote a user when they don't participate for a month?
Demoting a user is currently on my todo list. But yes, it should be possible.
Originally Posted by Bigj85
great to see beta 3 here,will download now and install tomorrow and give more feedback and suggestions.
great to see itrader support 
Originally Posted by Bigj85
Noted and added to todo list.
Originally Posted by Bigj85
Also I see you have worked with TheMayhem to make the Point Market compatible with Experience,any possibility you could earn exp. for using the "Give a Gift" feature in the point market?
That would be cool. Added to todo list.
Originally Posted by Bigj85
Phalynx you really must be commended for such amazing support,you always listen to what the people want and anytime someone finds an error you fix it right away - keep up the great work its much appreciated
PS. cant wait to use this with point market,my members will love it
The pleasure is on my side

Please click "Mark as Installed".
Originally Posted by Bigj85
EDIT: oops almost forgot,I had experience installed on vb3.8,I recently upgraded to vb4 but I forgot to uninstall experience first,I now have old vbexperience tables in my database and some vbexperience options are still visible in the settings/options page of my admincp.
Do I need to remove these before installing the new vb4 version,and if so how should I go about doing it?
Upgrade from vBExperience 3.8:
1. Install the product here: ZIP\extras\Remove vBExperience\install_this_to_upgrade_from_xperienc e38.xml". This product contains a fix to uninstall the old product without problems.
2. Uninstall vBExperience 3.8 product. DON'T USE KILL_EXPERIENCE!
2. Read the normal steps "Upgrade Instructions" above
Originally Posted by Kayden
Curious: will MySQL 4 work with this mod?
I ask because I get the following error when visiting xperience.php -
Uhm, I don't have any server with MySQL4 anymore. If you need help with this, please provide me via PM a temporary admin account with execute SQL permissions.