OK I made an optional update to this mod...
This will give users the option of turning this mod off if they would rather not see all the forums you've chosen in a 'master' forum. Install this ONLY if you want to give users a choice.
First in Admin CP go to the menu on the left and choose "Add New User Profile Field" under "User Profile Fields."
Choose "Single Selection Radio Box" from the drop down menu...
On the next screen set the following...
Title: All Topic
Description: Use this setting to enable or disable the 'All Topics' system. [or whatever description you want obviously]
Field Required: Yes, at registration and...
Private/Field Searchable.../Display on... All "No"
Display Page: Options: Thread Viewing
Leave all other settings to default and hit "Save" to create the profile field.
Inform users the option now exists... The code below is designed so even if a user doesn't make a selection it is enabled by default so they only need to change it to 'opt out.'
Now we'll make the forumdisplay.php edits mentioned in the top post of this thread. Make those same edits except change all the
IF statements to the one below:
PHP Code:
if (($foruminfo[forumid] == 1) && ($vbulletin->userinfo['field5'] != "No"))
Replace the number 1 of course with the forumid of your "master" forum... Replace 'field5' with the profile field name that was auto created when added the profile field above. Go to "User Profile Field Manager" to see the name the field was given.
And that's that, you now have an "All Topics" system that can be turned on or off by each member.