I have started 123flashchat with VB4
But you dont have correct ""
vBulletin Board Chat Module Preview""
1) VB4 have new variables
MAYBE CORRECT: {vb:raw $show['room_numbers']}
2) Something is bad with "functions_chat.php"
you have this functions:
$chatters = getChatters($running_mode, $free_server_path, $room_name, $client_location,$chat_data_path);
$user_list = getChatterList($running_mode, $free_server_path, $room_name, $client_location,$chat_data_path);
But you dont have this variable:
in file: config_local.php or config.php
I am very pleased with 123flashchat
when you fix these errors i will buy owned license
(if you think that i deserved discount price, please contact me via PM or bubac85_gmail.com