Originally Posted by roadrunna
Hi Marco,
Did you manage to find a fix for this ? I'm having the same issue on my install after just installing VBSEO as well.
On FF it bypasses the quick edit altogether and goes straight to advanced edit. All other browsers it hangs with the loading.
I've worked around the problem in the mean time by disabling the "MARCO1 Advanced Edit -- editor_toolbar_end" plugin and using the basic toolbar with the quick edit.
My Mod doesn't make any changes in this Area, It's only works when you call the editor not in postbit.
Originally Posted by Nosfer@tu
IM VERY GAME on this mod to
Not sure If I should wait til 5.0 or just give it a go now ? 
Thanks, You may need to go now with 4.5 and wait for the release of 5.0 BETA 1
Originally Posted by lemonadesoda
This really is a superb mod. Install 4.5 now and you will be happy.
BUT where is 5.0? Let's stop watching football MARCO1 and get back to the programming! 
LOL, You can say I don't have much time to watch all the world cup matches I'm only watch my favorite team "ENGLAND"
Originally Posted by KURTZ
i think that marco is very busy with vbseo.com ... 
Yes Christian, You are correct however I'm trying now to adding some new features in the editor like flash ....etc but that will not be in BETA 1 but it will be in the final build
P.S : BETA Version will release next week :up:
Sure I'll update this Mod that's not a normal modification it's a MOTM Winner