Originally Posted by jakobility
Is it /will it be possible to differentiate the points for different forum-areas? For example I want to give not so many points for threads and postings in the off-topic area.
That's currently not an option but we're looking into changing this in the future.
Originally Posted by jakobility
Is there any demonstration site to test this addon? 
Nowhere you can test the administration functions, but the front-end part is available at our website (
www.dragonbyte-tech.com )
Originally Posted by jakobility
Are there language packs available?
Not currently, no, but the entire mod is phrased so it'd be possible for you or others to translate it.
Originally Posted by jakobility
And is the release date (2nd of July) of 3.8 version sure?
I'm hoping to have it ready later tonight, actually