Phalynx, I have a great idea to add to this mod! This is something sorta like vbcredits, but since vbcredits isn't free, we can't use it
So here's the small feature...
People have to give up points to view events content, or calendar content.
Even better...
there is 1 usergroup for each day of the week.
A person has to give up points to participate on lets say this wensday's events (notice thats one payment of points for all events on that day)
Once a user pays for that event with points, they temporarily have an additional usergroup checked off on their profile which is usergroup "Wensday Events", that would be the name of the usergroup.
The usergroup idea might not be useful for others, but for our gaming community it really would be. The reason being that, our game servers check what usergroup someone belongs to when they connect to our gaming servesr. So, we have modifications on our servers that could work with this new feature. Say someone didn't pay with points to participatein the event, the Wensday usergroup therefore wouldn't be attached to their profile as an additional usergroup that they are temporarily in, and therefore the game server would kick them.
Our members love events that we host on the calendar, but they are sometimes lazy to collect points or to post on forums, the experience as is , is great, but its not enough to motivate our community members to participate in the forums.
Also, then on thursday, the wensday usergroup on the member's profile would be unchecked once the event passed, if lets say he/she signed up for 2 events in a row both on wensday, then he/she would have the additional usergroup checked until both events passed.
If you could please implement this, I would gladly give you a nice donation