Originally Posted by ti07shadow
lets see
+. Multiple Users unable to see all chats
+. Users get the following error
On Line 358
Open the mgc_cb_evo.php file, at line 358 search for :
PHP Code:
if (!$hasaccess && !empty($vbulletin->userinfo['membergroupids']))
Replace it by :
PHP Code:
if (!$hasaccess && is_array($channel['usergroupids']) && !empty($vbulletin->userinfo['membergroupids']))
Originally Posted by Chewy954
how would I go about creating a custom command for this version? I used to use <1.0 which had built in custom commands, not sure how I'd add it here.
Yep there was in that earlier version but as almost no users used it I removed it to simplify the install process.
What you can do is have a look at the code and tell me locations you could be interested to have hooks and I could consider adding them ?
Originally Posted by Datenpapst
any possiblity to show specific channels only for specific languages?
No the chatbox doesn't allow that but that's pretty interesting, I am adding this to the request list.
Originally Posted by ebt
Whenever I try to change my profile options the shoutbox completely disappears off the forum index. I have installed and uninstalled numerous times and this keeps happening.
Do you see chatbox options in your usercp options ?