Originally Posted by Scalemotorcars
Unfortunately the Driving Revenue site will not accept you unless you have over 300K page impressions. That kind of sucks for the small site.
Ive been using this hack for a long time on my 3.8.4 board and it works perfectly but I recently opened a new site with 4.0.3 suite and this hack locks down the cron jobs.
Can someone PLEASE !!!! re-write this hack for 4.0.3. I'm willing to pay for it if it .
Depending on your site, they will let you in. Especially if you're in the automotive vertical. They have Internet Brands, Auto Forums, VWvortex, and almost every automotive forum you can think of using them. I've refered two sites to them, both were local car forums that fell below their minimum requirements. Both were accepted and are now making several hundred bucks a month.
They also have a referral program, so if you do decide to sign up please use this link:
Oh and it works on my vB 4.0 board without a problem.
let me know if you have any other questions.