bug report / update ideas
- monster edit ( drop money - more numbers to add!)
- Boss battle ( add hp from the player )
- notification by sell objects in the market
- shop items sort by .. lvl or money
- work station .. go work for 10-30 min for more gold (in this time can not attack)
- area fight (user vs user can win gold from the other player)
- you fight to a biger lvl and loose ..your player can loose gold
- robber system .. the player can attack other player random (same lvl) and can attack this .. for win money
- animal creatur .. what help you in the fight .. your player can update this .. a dragon or a dog or other ..
- users can upload this own charakter picture (...upload a picture!)
this was my ideas + bugs for a new update ;D
i hope this is ok so ;D
greez roku