Originally Posted by Reeve of shinra
How are you handling the CMS?
Blogs can be shared across sites so that's not a problem but the CMS should have unique content for each URL. I haven't figured out how to deal with that part yet.
This was one of my main concerns the CMS, however I have this sorted in my ported product which is going through vigorious testing at the moment - most of the code has been re-done from the ground up and so when you have the full publishing suite each domain will show different content on the cms.
And to make things clear they did not get rid of the licensing system they altered it. You still need a valid license to run vBulletin and with this mod you need a valid license for EACH website you want networked.
Donations are always accepted and would allow me to focus more time than I currently do on this mod

haha thought I would throw it in there.