Apparently my license is NOT expired. Please help me modify my site!
I'm trying to create the following unsuccessfully. I've spent hours upon hours, and have searched ALL the threads in the forums both here and on
I'm running VB 3.8.2
Category 1
Cat 2
Cat 3
Cat 4
Where each one has it's child forums.
This far, I'm good. I can get them all to display on the main page or not display on the main page as I wish. However, here's when I run into problems:
I want it to look as I outlined above, so that when someone clicks on Cat 1 (or any other), they are directed to a page which shows them all the child forums within that category. I do NOT want all the 'sub forums' to one of the cat's to show on the main page- It creates too many forums in a list and is just a big mess.
I played with all of the forum list display options over and over again.
Scenario 1:
Cat 1
-forumt 1a
-forum 1b
-forum 1c
Cat 2
-forum 2a
-forum 2b
creates a long list. Then, if you click on 'Cat 1' or 'Cat 2', it basically uses that as an 'anchor' and just goes to that area on the page.
Scenario 2:
Cat 1
Cat 2
etc.. where you see all the forums by clicking on one of the cat's- NOT WORKING.
This is what I want.
Currently, the only way to do this is to allow the categories to act as a forum... which defeats the whole purpose of them being categories.
If you click on one of the Cat's now, it does the same as above- it uses that category as an 'anchor' and just goes to that area on the page.
I do hope I was clear enough. There must be a simple way to do this- perhaps a mod, or editing a template- but the way it's currently set up, it's simply not working. If you have it set to show the child forums, then you can see them, if not, then you can never access them because you can't click the category to get to them...
If you allow it to act as a forum you can see the sub forums when you click on it, but then it looks very different and also has the thread area showing- even if I lock the whole forum.
Can one of you please help me or PM me?
I would greatly appreciate it.
If I didn't explain this well enough, then please let me know and I'll try to show some screenshots of what I want it to look like... cutting and pasting the good old way!