Originally Posted by RedeemedWarrior
ofcourse the danger with dbtech version is the classic disappearing act
you pay, they go, and then come back a few years later with a price hike and a sob story to make mother theresa cry 
^.^ Less of a danger with DBTech than other companies since DBTech is a large successful team - even if one person was to leave, there are plenty of others to carry on the work.
Can't say the same for smaller companies mind you. I'm sure Rob has no intention of ever doing so, but there's always a greater risk of very small companies with only 1 person running things going down. At DBTech the way the agreements are set up, even if one person was to leave, the rights are still transferred so the products can continue to be sold, supported and developed by the remaining team members =)
=) Thanks for bringing up the point though. It's important for people to understand the relative risks in purchasing products - thats why all of our products are available for download immediately upon payment - theres no chance of everything suddenly vanishing without getting the product you pay for.
I feel this is important, and the more open way to do business.