Well I installed this. Followed the install instructions implicitely, tried using combinations from vbcode to the domain name path to absolute path to...well I tried all the common options. No red X, no images, nothing.
What all did I try....well since the forum is in a subdomain I tried all the following options..
<!-- Wy Country Flags Start -->
<vb:if condition="$post['fieldX']"> <dt>Country:</dt> <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/flags/{vb:raw post.fieldX}.GIF" alt="Users Country Flag" border="" /></vb:if>
<!-- Wy Flags End -->
<!-- Wy Country Flags Start -->
<vb:if condition="$post['field5']"> <dt>Country:</dt> <img src="http://subforum.domain.com/images/buttons/flags/{vb:raw post.field5}.GIF" alt="Users Country Flag" border="" /></vb:if>
<!-- Wy Flags End -->
<!-- Wy Country Flags Start -->
<vb:if condition="$post['field5']"> <dt>Country:</dt> <img src="http://www.domain.com/subforumfoldername/images/buttons/flags/{vb:raw post.field5}.GIF" alt="Users Country Flag" border="" /></vb:if>
<!-- Wy Flags End -->
<!-- Wy Country Flags Start -->
<vb:if condition="$post['field5']"> <dt>Country:</dt> <img src="/domains/domain.com/public_html/subforumfoldername/images/buttons/flags/{vb:raw post.field5}.GIF" alt="Users Country Flag" border="" /></vb:if>
<!-- Wy Flags End -->
When I tested the Edit Profile, I DID get the drop down of country names, but...no images.
In the instructions, it says to select "Edit Your Details" but the closest I could find was "Edit Profile" both on my board install and the vBulletin Demo board. Is "Edit Profile" what was intended in the instructions? Or should it be....??
I'd like something like this on my board, but, unless I can get it working....well it is wasted time. I have uninstalled everything but the images for now in hopes I can find a solution.