This is awesome and just what I am needing for one of my customer's vBulletin site.
I have one request.
You currently have this with the ability to format the output of the form, but would it be possible to be able to format the display of the form itself?
For example:
I have a form requesting a mailing address, which has 4 questions related to it (Street, City, State, Zip). Currently this form would have each question on a separate line, but it would be nice if the City, State & Zip were on the same line.
Input Current:
{qn_1}: {qo_1}
{qn_2}: {qo_2}
{qn_3}: {qo_3}
{qn_4}: {qo_4}
Wanted Input:
{qo_2}, {qo_3} {qo_4}
Similar to how you can customize the output display.
Also, the ability to have other user information (such as email) automatically entered from their vBulletin profile, such as how you can get their vb username inserted, would be absolute icing!