function verify($fieldname, &$value, $doverify = true)
if (isset($this->validfields["$fieldname"]))
$field =& $this->validfields["$fieldname"];
// clean the value according to its type
$value = $this->registry->input->clean($value, $field[VF_TYPE]);
if ($doverify AND isset($field[VF_CODE]))
if ($field[VF_CODE] === VF_METHOD)
if (isset($field[VF_METHODNAME]))
return $this->{$field[VF_METHODNAME]}($value);
return $this->{'verify_' . $fieldname}($value);
$lamdafunction = create_function('&$data, &$dm', $field[VF_CODE]);
return $lamdafunction($value, $this);
return true;
trigger_error("Field <em>$fieldname</em> is not defined in <em>\$validfields</em> in class <strong>" . get_class($this) . "</strong>", E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
The red bit is line 515, the line that is offending vBulletin's add user feature.
In my test forum, I just deleted the line entirely so that the code doesn't produce an error, but just returns false. And that worked. However, I don't speak php and I could have just deleted something vital. Can anyone translate php into newbie for me and tell me what that line means?