Here's an alternative YouTube definition which has the fullscreen button and HD enabled. Valid XHTML.
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:640px; height:385px;" data="{vb:raw code}?rel=0&showsearch=0&fs=1">
<param name="movie" value="{vb:raw code}?rel=0&showsearch=0&fs=1" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
As always you use this code at your own risk but I will attempt to help anyone with difficulties.
Originally Posted by adblaze
Has anyone created some video codes for this? I'm looking of and any other video game sites. I will try to work on some and share them when I get a chance.
I'm not aware of any GameTrailer's definition. I was planning to do one myself but if you have already that will save me a job
One final note - is there any news of the Geek?