Originally Posted by majorj0nny
thanks for that,.
though im not having much success getting this to work in a template driven module like I had with the infernoshout one previously.
added to a template that feeds a module on our homepage is all I needed to add to get this to work.
though doing the same with {$vbshout} as the template contents just does nothing ?
ive added index,adv_index into the relevant manual display shoutbox in instances...
And you added the template name you created to the relevant setting also?
For some reason vBACMPS documentation said "if you created template adv_shoutbox you should put shoutbox in the template name" or something to that effect, which in my experience is incorrect - you'll need to put the full template name in there.
That being said, I don't believe I know of anyone who actually runs vB3.8 with vBA and vBS on it, so it may not work at all...
You could try asking at the vBACMPS forums, if this doesn't work?
I wouldn't know how to make it work without them telling me what I'd need to do to support it either, and I sadly don't have the time to research it myself