I'm having a similar problem to this but it isn't all the games but some. I have checked some recent changes to the site such as a template edit that was done. I went back into the installation instructions and made sure nothing got changed or deleted during the template edit but nothing had been changed. I also have a couple mods that I installed but games had been working a week or so after installing them so I don't suspect them too much so I have put them on the back burner after I check some other things.
Additionally I have re-installed installation files and that hasn't helped (I re-installed all files beside uploading the .xml file into "Manage Products" in the Admin CP). I even added in the index.php file changes that were recommended for forums with portals and that didn't help. I don't run any kind of Portal with vBulletin so I expected it wouldn't (I do run Joomla as a front page though but as I said it still didn't help).
The only thing left to do that I can think of is re-install the problematic games that I have because as I said some games record correct high scores and other simply give you a "0." Then if that doesn't work I will try uninstalling the last two mods I installed and the changes I made with them (like how my forums mark unread and read posts). I know a sister site that runs ipProArcade with these same two mods and the same forum read/unread post changes so I don't expect that is the problem. BTW the mods were:
Anyway I've detailed here what I've tried, so does anyone have any ideas what might be wrong or should I just re-install the problematic games and hope for the best? I'm a bit confused as I've tried everything short or re-installing the games, re-installing the Arcade .xml, and having to uninstall my mods and the changes I made with them.
Oh and I am running vBulletin 3.8.5 with ipProArcade 2.7.0