Originally Posted by KW802
Joe, it's always cool to see that JUOT.net has not only survived breaking off from its original home but is thriving.
I really should visit more often... it's been a few years since I've talked with any of the regular OT crew. 
Thanks... you probably don't know it but I was in the Hospital for a year, near death in fact at this time last year, they didn't think I was going to make it actually... one of the guys hacked some of my accounts to keep things running and they managed to collect some money to buy a vB license since I had just leased it not knowing if it would survive a year... luckily things were going fairly smooth when I was able to take back over earlier this year. I'm home now but still in bed unable to walk yet- getting physical therapy every day though. There was a 'split' with some active members defecting to webwheeling.com, but for the most part we're on good terms with people going back and forth... we're in talks now to sort of re-unite the forums with a shared forums mod. Otherwise not much has changed. Sorry I berated someone on coolscifi yesterday but he was asking for it.