Originally Posted by AA_
available in the next version (see post #2, features 1.4.16). I will publish the new version, if the spanish translation is complete ( 2 missing translations).
_AA, the translate of missing is below:
Beschriftung der Anzeigefl?che f?r Werbung oberhalb der Fu?zeile
Above Footer
Translate for text in German Language:
"Leyenda en pantalla para la publicidad por encima del pie de p?gina"
Translate for text in English Language:
"Por encima del Pie de p?gina"
I recommend that the translation is: "Por encima del Pie de Pagina"
1.4.16 Screenshot
Beschreibung der Template-Hook-Auswahl f?r die Positionierung eines Links zum Tippspiel in einem Untermen? der Navigation (Community oder Quicklinks)
Choose the 'template_hook'-position here when the betting game is to be displayed as a navigation link in the navbar pulldown menu. The text for this link can be changed with the phrase <a target="_blank" href="phrase.php?do=edit&fieldname=global& t=1&varname=vbsoccer_navtab_title">vbsoccer_na vtab_title</a>.
I recommend that the translation is:
"Elija la posici?n en la que se mostrar? un enlace al juego de apuestas en la barra de navegaci?n.
El texto de este bot?n se puede cambiar con la frase <a target="_blank" href="phrase.php?do=edit&fieldname=global&=1&
varname=vbsoccer_navtab_title">vbsoccer_navtab_tit le</a>"
1.4.16 Screenshot
?berschrift des Einstellungsabschnitts f?r die Anzeige eines Links zum Tippspiel in einem Untermen? der Navigation (Community oder Quicklinks)
Show Link in the Navbar Pulldown Menu?
I recommend that the translation is: "Mostrar enlace al juego de apuestas en la barra de Navegaci?n"
Hope this is helpful. Contact me for anything you need!!