1. The User's name issue I mentioned above
2. Notifications don't clear after you've read/viewed them
1. Having the ability to create a game and just have it sit there in an html/ajax lobby until someone (anyone) accepts the game and joins you.
2. Having a private shoutbox in each game
3. Premium Feature: A live ajax or flash lobby system. Fully featured with a chat room, user list of people in lobby, invitation system, live game results by chat bot, etc.
4. Ability to wager points/gil on games in addition to cards.
5. Demo versions of the premium card sets. Something like all level 1 cards, a few level 2 and 3 cards, and 1 of each of the rest.
I'm sure i'll have more suggestions incoming very soon

Love the game man. Very cool!
Originally Posted by Haywire0311
Definitely loving it so far.
One suggestion is to have the ability to reset the whole game for everyone. For example, I set it up and created a few test decks and CPUs tjust to see how things work. Now that I've figured it out, users have the cards and they have the win/loss statistics. It would be nice to just reset all statistics and get rid of all cards from all users and start fresh once testing is done.
I second that. I am in the same boat as you my friend
Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
I'll let Deceptor handle the text issue, as for Decks, you get to pick the cards. The exception is when the "random" rule is turned on.
When you start a match you choose 5 cards from your deck (which is all of the cards you own) These 5 cards are the ones you use in the match =)
Ah that makes sense. I believe I've had random set the whole time without knowing what it does...lol