This is related, so please read.
Alright, I dunno if anybody can help with this, but I have iTrader and the box wont go around when I have it on a certain setting. There are three settings of where you can place the postbit link -- Below Posts Count on Right, Below Member Title on Left, and After All Userinfo on Right.
Below Posts and Below Member Title give it a bad formatting. The box from this css mod will go around both of these just fine. However, If i choose "After All Userinfo" it formats the link correctly, but the box will not go around.
Here are screenshots to show what I mean.
Anybody know how I can fix this? I've placed the <div class="eti_postbit"> everywhere in the template I can think of and no matter what, it still messes up.
I don't know why the formatting is bad. I wish the 0 would stay to the right of "Feedback". There's no <p> and no <br> anywhere in there that would cause it..
Anybody have any ideas?