Originally Posted by Grim77
@Katoona: Send me an e-mail (or send it to support@addonchat.com) and we'll be happy to look into it. This could be anything from a simple configuration issue to a firewall issue, either way we'll check it out.
@Club Ample: We are considering a new release targeted for v3.8 to include many updates, but a lot of work needs to be done to catch up to the features available in the 4.01 release. No promises yet on a release, but if all you really need is the support for the mobile edition, that is something I can work with you on to edit the templates appropriately for the new link code. e-mail support@addonchat.com attn: Chris and I'll work with you to make the necessary template changes.
Super News Grim... I'd be happy to donate to further the cause. I really feel this addition would increase the daytime usage of my chat room at least 100%, because of work firewalls.
I'll email you there. :up: