Originally Posted by ti07shadow
Look on google on how to make a cron job that can run a php file then make a php script that runs and changes the on off status of the item, of course the php file must not be accessible client side, so keep it out of the www folder and have the cron job run that file.
in the php file have a if function like
if (date("h")=="11"){
mysql_query("UPDATE vsa_chatbox SET vsa_chatbox_status='1' WHERE id='1'");
mysql_query("UPDATE vsa_chatbox SET vsa_chatbox_status='0' WHERE id='1'");
of course that script there wont work without the correct table and column names along with the correct id for the where and the fact you need to connect to the database 
WOW, you are wonderful
I made a mistake in my last post. I meant that the chatbox should OPEN in (9 pm) then CLOSE in (11 pm)
I know how to setup any cronjop but I was in need to the php code itself
now regarding the vsa chatbox product itself and in the light of your code I can write the code like this:
if (date("h")=="9")
mysql_query("UPDATE setting SET value='1' WHERE varname='vsachatbox_enable_product'");
mysql_query("UPDATE setting SET value='0' WHERE varname='vsachatbox_enable_product'");
then the only what I need to do is to set the cronjob to run once at 9:00 pm then run it again once at 11:00 pm
but I have questions about that:
1. As far as I know, the settings of vbullein are saved in cache for quick read without need to go to the database each time to read the settings
2. if the chatbox is running, will this stop it immediatly ? or it will just prevent new comers from entering the chat. ? (VSA Chatbox read the setting in each refresh or only when it loads first time ?)
3. How do I connect to the database properly ? OMG
in any way. I will try it on my test server.
Thank you ti07shadow