Hey. Thankyou for your comments.
Re. the actors/actresses forums... it took me SUCH a long time to add each forum the way that I have that I really don't want to remove all the forums again and then have to add them again at a later date. Maybe if I just changed the size of the font, because I do agree it is too small. I did originally have each forum viewable but I figured once more actors are added it's going to take people too long to scroll down the page looking for the actor they want. Does that make sense? This way it takes up less room, yknow.
OK I'll remove the random question. The only reason I had it there is cause I dont want loads of spam bots signing up, which has been a real issue with past forums Ive owned.
OK I've changed the question to 'What Is 1 + 1?' I think most people can get that right.
Regarding your 3rd point... Im sorry but I dont know what you mean. Maybe because I never use this feature so Ive never noticed it before. If something is missing I can only blame the skin, cause as far as I know I havent removed any of the default features.
Your comments have been very helpful. Thankyou.