Originally Posted by Olli2k
Invalid SQL:
SELECT *,rpg_battlemonster.id AS battleid ,rpg_battlemonster.time AS timebattle FROM vB4_rpg_battlemonster LEFT JOIN vB4_rpg_monster ON rpg_battlemonster.monsterid = rpg_monster.id WHERE rpg_battlemonster.userid ='35' ORDER BY battleid DESC;
MySQL-Fehler : Unknown column 'rpg_battlemonster.id' in 'field list'
I get the same error message as Olli2k.
EDIT: Create New character, I get the message:
Warning: Division by zero in [path] / RPG / mypet.php (line 28)
Warning: Division by zero in [path] / RPG / function_userpet.php (line 71)
Warning: Can not modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path] / includes / class_core.php: 4516) in [path] / includes / functions.php (line 4906)
If I manually change but the cost and one set in the SQL table, the error gone.