Originally Posted by insidedesign
Well, I ran it on May 2nd. Maybe it takes 2 months - so the first 4 weeks do not go into the calculation?
Hmm... It *should* have reset... I suppose it's possible that it didn't count the first month because it was set just after the start of the month... I'll have Fillip have a look at the thread when he comes on.
regardless, This should be fixed in v2 which is due out this month.
Meantime you might want to try setting your threshold higher - it's possible you have it set too low, so that too many peoples points are being counted (if the system counts everyones points for instance, then all those people getting 1 point just for being registered are counted, and the average is dragged waaay down) Try doubling the threshold score and see if that makes the targets more realistic =)