Originally Posted by vauge
Consider this: That collapsible thing does not function on all browsers nor do all forums utilize this feature. Plus, it can be disabled within vBulletin itself.
You are welcome. Again, thank you for understanding. I am just passionate about my forum and frustrated that your product has amazing potential but wastes entirely too much space making it non-usable for me and all the others that are concerned in this thread. Another up there had to remove it.
It is your product, and you are free to ignore us.
It should work on the browsers that i think 94% of the internet population use (last time i checked the stats). The pro version lets users decide if they want them collapsed by default, as well as admins deciding if they do so it's very customisable. There should be pretty much no situation where a person who doesn't want to see the stats has to see them - that was one of the aims from the outset.
We take on board everything you guys say, but obviously we can't implement every feature every person requests - some will cause problems, some will harm our vision of the product, some are just not time-efficient, but we always listen and consider them. I personally go through the suggestions, make a big list, and work out what can and can't be done, and always try to explain why something isn't in if someone asks.
It's not a case of me going "you're wrong about this idea and here is why" it's just that the idea isn't one i feel would provide an overall benefit to the product (either because of the time taken, or because of potential issues) and i attempt to explain exactly how i reached that conclusion instead of ignoring it or just saying no like some other mod makers.
Thanks for your understanding, and for expressing your opinions and ideas to us, constructive feedback is always more than welcome =)