Originally Posted by darren1981
Hey mate...
The style has not yet been updated to 4.0.3 as of yet.. we had to convert our commercial styles to 4.0.3 standards first, ive also had a lot on my plate of late and haven't had time to update this style yet.... That said i just imported this style onto my localhost using 4.0.3 and i can not get the error in which you are seeing.. when importing (try ticking the "ignore style version")..
Other than that, i will get this style updated to 4.0.3 on Saturday for you, we are currently moving VB4STYLE.com to a new server, so i will be a little busy with that for the next 2 days.. so say Saturday night(USA) i will post an updated version for you guys.
Hope that helps, Cheers
Hey Darren, thanks for the reply, I fixed the problem by reverting the templates. Your styles are pretty awesome BTW.