Thanks Tim again for your help,
I apologize for overlooking the second part of your first post. I think I've followed your instructions. However, I'm still in the dark. I've not been able to make your suggestion work, as far as I can tell.
In the Add a New plugin section, I've followed your instruction as explained above, Here's the code that I created based off of what you suggested above:
vB_Template::preRegister('TestSite_Beta', $server_vars);
I've associated it with init_startup hook and gave it a title/name of "Request URI variable" (though that seems irrelevant). Then in the template file "header" for the "TestSite_Beta" template, where we're replacing the standard in-page login with a link to another login page -- the link that is going in place of the login form is needing to have a "Requesting URI" variable embedded into it. So I've used {vb:var request_uri} where I want the requesting URI to appear.
The full line of html looks like this:
<a rel="nofollow" href="/login/icslogin.php?destination={vb:var request_uri}">Register | Login</a>
When it is tested however, I cannot get it display any sort of variable for the requesting URI. This is where I'm stuck. It comes out blank in the generated html.