Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.
I'm getting this error on my forums for only 2 things poll on the homepage and the drop down search in my navbar. I have done tons of browsing on this error issue and I can't seem to find anything that pertains to my error.
When you vote through the actual forum, it works, but the search still doesn't in the navbar. I'm using VB_CMPS, vbExperience and a few other modifications... but nothing but the poll on the side and the drop down search is having the problems.
website is and a test login for anyone who might be able to help is:
leader1 = user
password = password.
--------------- Added [DATE]1275669261[/DATE] at [TIME]1275669261[/TIME] ---------------
btw I have input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" in every single template still is giving me token errors.