Originally Posted by vicelover
hi, ahmed-samara
It's a great mod.
I had tested a new thread on local server. This mod makes apache.exe processor 99% CPU use, and I cannot open that thread, so my test failed.
One suggestion: add a button on editor toolbar when post a new thread.
Just like MARCO1 BBCODE Hide Tags this picture.
Another question: I also tested macro1's Hide Mod, but after replying for the hidden content, the hidden content didn't show automatically, user must fresh page manually . Does your this hide hack have this "problem"?
Do you have a live site installed this mod? I want to have a test.
Best Regards.
It's simple
Install button ,
Admin CP >>>Custom BB Codes >>Add New BB Code
And promise to in the next release will be the automatic .
Greetings to you